Friday, August 1, 2014


 Though the people around Jammu region are quite aware of the place Jhajjar Kotli , But for the new people visiting this region , this info. is bit useful to get aware of the place.

JHAJJAR KOTLI:Its some 35kms from Jammu City little off the national highway from Jammu-Srinagar. Its on the bank of Jhajjar rivulet. Mostly visited during summer season.... as during monsoon ,one can encounter with flash flood situation.

    It was one fine summer sunday morning , when jammu city was boiling at 43C , We both along with our closed friends family thought to go on a drive off to jhajjar kotli .....we went prepared with extra clothings & footwears aswell foodstuffs .....Now a days the drive upto Udhampur from Jammu City has become extra comfortable.... After crossing the Jammu bypass we took the Naograta bypass road............ Oh , what a drive thru'... the newly constructed bypass its a drivers delight to drive thru'...After the Katra cross,the jhajjar river bridge comes..... soon next there's a narrow road which goes left...should take it on & then a bit of up & down the hills ,upto the river bed..............
   Soon after we reached the place, we were bit uncomfortable to drive across bolders & rocks to the river bed...My eye caught the sight of 2 cars driving thru' the waters of the rivulet. Its was very very hot outside & the sight of the waters just drove us all crazy... We had to drive in to the river itself, what an experience.... the car tyre was half submerged & we were moving ahead  in the opposite flow of waters creating fountains of water  on both side of the SUV....We stopped at one point by the bank & the both male person in our team wanted to explore the river ahead to find a better location .In the meantime ,its photo session for all ladies & girls in the riverbed.
Exploring the Jhajjar Rivulet.

Ladies ,posing for a click on Jhajjar Rivulet.

Funtime in the Jhajjar Rivulet.

Myself, the biker & the truck ,all on the river bed.

Swimming across....
Its CHEERS!!!! Cold drinks on the river bed.
My friend , trying to cross thru' the waters...

Vehicles driving across on the rivulet,
Nagrota bypass road to Udhampur.
It was amazingly cold water & at 43C temp outside , everyone wished to take a dip.... But before the dip , Its food time & we had to open our packed food stuffs..... Cheers !!! the cold drink bottles opened & munching of chips & peanuts....We were all loving it...almost half wet ,we had our food, The others around ,were busy cooking their meals by the bank of the rivulet...some lying lazy in the waters....what a scene around.
Soon after the stomach's full , Its just in the water & more water................ everyone got in their swim wears & off they all go merrily swimming around. Thats the way to enjoy a very very hot summer holiday rather than sitting inside the AC room..................... After almost 2 hrs in water , we all had to packup &leave  back.... Really had a great time together...Good Company of friends, beautiful location, what more to ask for; On our way back , we stopped at Punjabi Haveli restaurant for a meal of Rajma-rice & lassi......................

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