Wednesday, January 7, 2015


It's just a matter of opportunity to be at lidder valley during fall season  which starts from 2nd week of Nov. Lidder valley starts soon after Anantnaag in South kashmir region and extends to pahalgam.  This whole area is full of Chinar trees , which might be more than 100 years old. ...This chinars  gets first a yellowish shade , then orange and then red before it falls off by the beginning of winter. Besides chinar , some other evergreen trees also takes on beautiful colours....As one travels by road from jammu. ...There eyes will catch the colours  at Verinag. ..after that the road from Matan  to pahalgam  too got lines of Chinars.....but when I visited Kokernaag on Sinthan  pass road,  I really felt that I am in Europe   ......just a world  of beautiful colours created by nature....
I tried to frame it on my lens which I am sharing on my blog.....All hidden treasures that our country  has to give to all those who come to see it......

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