Monday, October 27, 2014

My Drive off to Shiv Khori temple.

It was one fine sunday morning ,feeling lazy as i woke up from sleep............ temps.have dropped to mere13c,just didnt wish to leave my quilt,when my husband served me a cup of green tea,triggering that its time that i should leave my bed. I asked him his plan for the day but found him very very confused............... then on i decided that we 'll go out somewhere; undecided of any place we quickly had our breakfast and packed our bags and cameras and off we go....
 As my husband started his car, he decided to drive towards Akhnoor side of Jammu .....After crossing the chenab bridge , we continued our drive onto Bhamla.....

Driving thru' BHAMLA.
 At Bhamla , we took a break for a hot cup of tea & pakoras, & then decided to drive off to Shiv Khori .................. I searched for the distance & route on google maps  & onto our drive thru' Pouni & Ramsoo ,we reached ShivKhori by almost 1.40pm..... We didnt feel like stopping for lunch as its a long 4kms trek one way to the temple..... Though, pony option was there but we opted to walk as it will give me a better option to film the route....
But the climb was too steep, thank God we didnt have food before started on for the trek.




On our trek to Shiv Khori Caves.


Myself, on my first darshan of Shiv Khori.

The steep trek across the high mountains at Shiv Khori.
After almost a tiring trek , it was time for climbing some odd 100 steps to the enterance of the cave. No cameras & mobile phones are allowed inside the cave. Its lit up but the passage is very very narrow & tough to pass thru'... & then the main podium of Lord Shiv'.... We stood , all in his praise.... Nama Shivaay" ...After Darshan , it was time to return back. The natural rock formation inside the cave was worth seeing... Lord Vishnu in nidra position, Shesh naag guarding, the Shankh pouring down water on the Shivling, The Trishul....... Just Wonder!!!! what a creation of Almighty. I bow down in His respect.
It was setting dark & we had to run thru' the down hill...covered 4kms downhill in just we were worried the bad roads at Ramsoo & Pouni would make our journey a difficult one if we dont pass thru' the region before it becomes totally dark.... My husband drove off very fast almost at 80km/hr speed to touch down Akhnoor by 7pm... By the time we reached home , it was almost 8pm.
 Just had an unexpectedly great day.... Its offcourse, Lord asked us to visit him on the day orelse, when we started from home , we never thought to be visiting Shiv Khori Shrine.
Beautiful Bhamla.

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