Monday, November 10, 2014


Kirmachi is located,at a distance of 12kms north of Udhampur-Lander road....the group of temples are locally known as PANDAVA temples. The complex consists of 5 temples & 2 small shrines. All the temples are facing East except 3.The temples ,on plan consists of Garbagriha with curvilinear Shikharas & elongated antarala.Some of the temples have mandapa in front of antarala.
 During execution of conservation works ,a large nos of terracotta figurines, copper coins , earthern pots & beads of semiprecious stones were found. A chance discovery has revealed, that it stands on a  earlier brick structure datable to post Gupta period.

There is presently 1 kms trekking to reach the site from the main road, which is horrible to walk upto..... Just couldn't understand how a place taken up by archeological survey of India, has no proper route to walk up thru'.... it looks like an adventurous trek presently, walking down the slopes holding the roots of tall trees but amazingly saw so many people making it there ....A  new road to this place is being under construction & will surely make it good for future people making it here...

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