Saturday, January 3, 2015


Verinag  is 25kms away from Anantnag. It is the first tourist spot when travelling by road from jammu city, just after crossing Jawahar tunnel.
Verinag spring in verinag town issues from high scraps of mountain spur and is considered as the source of river Jhellum. It is situated at the bottom  of a hill covered in pines and evergreen trees . Verinag spring  originally an irregular  and shapeless pond oozing out from different places around it and formed a marshy  area.Emperor jehangir 's artistic taste for polishing the natural beauty saw this and later built the octagonal tank of sculptured stones round it. The construction dates 1620 AD. 7 years later mughal emperor  shah jahan  constructed cascades and aqueducts in straight lines through  and a beautiful garden full of Chinar trees around. 
    According  to mythology, Goddess  Vitasta  (Jhellum ) wanted to rise from this spring but when she came here, she found Lord Shiva staying here and so had to go back and took her rise from Vithavatur, a spring about a mile to the NW  of the verinag spring.

we had been to verinag spring for the first time by the end of fall season ie 29th Nov 2014......In the mid of Nov,  the whole verinag spring gets a beautiful  red colour of the chinar leaves. .. anyways ,  it's too beautiful  but very isolated one shouldn't attempt this place alone from security side. It's really beautiful and unique. ...specially the tank which is supposed to be the rise of river Jhellum. .....Even the Chinar garden is too big to walk one should be ready to take on a long walk around the garden.....since by the time we reach the place it was almost 4.30pm,  it was getting  dark......but I don't think the garden might look that beautiful in other the best time to try for verinag spring is the mid of fall season.

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